Unlock Instant Access to BGT And Boost Your Validator
A liquid staking solution that allows you to retain ownership of the BGT utility on Berachain.
How it works
Why get wet?
Picture BGT as something
you could trade while keeping
its original charm
Traditional BGT
1:1 BERA Conversion Rate
Normal yield rate
Can't be used in DeFi
Our wetBGT solution
Transferrable and tradable
Higher BERA conversion rate
Higher yield rate
Can be used in DeFi, lending, borrowing, etc.
The Only Liquid Staking Token You Need
It just works
Your current vaults setup works right off the bat, no need to move your positions.
No risk of depegging
No risk of depegging as you can always redeem wetBGT for BERA 1:1.
No initial setup needed
No initial liquidity pool setup, your existing positions can directly be claimed as wetBGT
Your BGT's functionality still in tact
You can still utilize BGT's original utility of boosting validators.
User Flow
How it works in 4 steps
Anywhere that yields BGT
Provide liquidity
Provide liquidity to any pool of your choice that is whitelisted and provides BGT as a reward.
Stake with Vault
Stake to any whitelisted vault that earns you BGT rewards.
On Wetbera
Claim wetBGT
Claim through Wet Bera to receive wetBGT instead of normal BGT.
Use wetBGT
Use your wetBGT to participate in the PoL by boosting validators for rewards. Stake it for boosted rewards, and utilize it in DeFi, such as borrowing against it.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can burn your wetBGT and the underlying BGT to redeem BERA at any time.

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